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Through Eyes of Faith

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Happy birthday, blog! You are a few weeks old, but today you're starting to talk. You're intentions were good, but execution a little elusive (quoting the great Mia Thermopolis, Princess Diaries).

Truly, truly, I've been busy. I don't think I've lived a day without being busy. When I was a toddler, it was eating cheese-n-eggs and watching Barney at the same time. During my childhood, I was in charge of many spy missions with my friends (only boys and tough girls allowed). In all four years of high school, I was almost becoming one with my yearbook and newspaper staff. Today, I'm understanding the height, depth, and coffee-scented hours of being busy: I'm taking summer classes, working on lesson plans, and photographing everything.

That's something else you should know about me: I live through photos. Of course I love capturing the details and stories I see every day, but I also have an awful memory. When God was molding me, He must have been thinking, "Okay, I'm going to make her a very social person, but she'll have to use word association to to remember everyone's names." Really, I love the mind that He gave me. It's quirky, but it's a idea machine. I'm not bragging; if anything, I'm in full recognition that I don't have what others have. At the same time, I have something different and that's suited me well.

I've been thinking about this a lot: where does God want me? I've lived a busy life; is it possible He wants me to be involved with what I've been given right now even though its constant? The answer, of course, is yes. He wants me here: going to school during the day, taking care of my siblings in the afternoon, writing lesson plans in the evening. He wants me to thrive right where I am with the abilities He's given me and is building in me daily. He wants me to write the story that only I can write. Thus the starting of this blog and the beginning of a deep dive into here.

Will I feel under qualified daily? Yes, already have. Will I have days of just wanting to live in the woods and be a freelance nature photographer? All the time. But if I'm walking in faith with the life He's given me, will He provide?

YES. Yes yes yes. Oh yes. And it'll be better than amazing.

So this is my thought process these days, living through eyes of faith and the lens of a camera.

Here's a peek into my summer so far:

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