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Tips from PaperandPineDesigns

Happy Friday, friends! Praise the Lord for the weekend, amen, hallelujah :) I had an awesome chat with my friend Olivia Martin yesterday about her Etsy business, PaperandPineDesigns which she has been operating for two years. I've always admired her beautiful creations and business ethic, and on top of it, I treasure her as my friend. We grew up in the same small town and had some wonderful adventures together, even making a few arts and crafts along the way (look at us now, Liv! ;)). I asked her if she had any tips for me for starting my own business and she had some great things to share:

Tip #1: Post, Post, Post!!

The only way people are going to come to your shop is if they are being informed about it! My most dry times in sales are when I am not posting anything on Facebook about my shop (due to busyness!). Word of mouth is great too, and is basically free advertising. Utilize social media to inform people about why they should be buying your things.

Tip #2: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Be very particular in what words you use when naming products – be as specific and detailed as possible, using many words to describe your product. The more details and words you have, the more likely it is for people to search for an item and have your product pop up first!

Tip #3: Find a way to be unique

What makes your shop different from all the other jewelry shops/calligraphy shops/pottery shops, etc.?Create an ambiance of your shop that stands out, but accurately explains your creativity! Maybe come up with a certain vibe or theme for your shop cover photo and logo, as well as a color scheme in your pictures. Make everything cohesive to bring out the best in your unique creative style!

Tip #4: Photography is KEY

Don’t look over this! For a customer to be buying something through the internet without physically seeing the product means they need to see clear and professional photography accurately portraying the product. For me, this is something a bit harder because I’m not a photographer and do not have a good camera. However, I also utilize mockups for my digital prints! This saves me SO MUCH TIME. If you have a product that can be displayed through some editing in Photoshop, then I highly recommend using mockups!

Tip #5: Push yourself artistically

Find ways each week/month/year to get better at what you do. Practice, practice, practice! Your work will stay the same until you start to really invest your time in your products. Also, spend time on your products and be sure to really throw yourself into each piece and design. In the past I have tried to sell artwork that I saw as mediocre, and it never ever sold, unlike the paintings that I adored and spent a lot of time on that sold very fast! Be proud of your work and strive to get better!

I hope these were as helpful for you as they were for me! I like #4 the best ;) Which tip is your favorite? Also make sure to check out Liv's Etsy page and the beautiful calligraphy/watercolor designs she makes!!

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