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All In Artist Collective - August 2017

I had an amazing night at the Pour John's concert series with Paperweight, avoid., Goodfella and Lights of Alora on Wednesday night. The All In series' never cease to pump me up for metal (I never thought I would say that!). My E has been going for a while to support his brother, who is a part of Paperweight, and I've started tagging along as well.

The concert series has shown me how a small community of like-minded creatives can produce such powerful music, and create an avenue for speaking out in the process. Most of the bands that play there have a song or two that speak out for heavy issues - depression, anxiety, loss of loved ones - but in a way we can all take part in through the music. Metal has a lot to do with how we feel, and I think it can be powerful.

Here's a look into the concert - get ready, there's lots of hair.

Here's to more sick bangers ;)

- India

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